The Meaning of Life: A Theory of Everything including Consciousness and “God” Pt. 8

Created January 20, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

Chapter Five

Extrasensory Perception

The theory in this book proposes that there was an Original Consciousness that corresponds to, and may be the reality behind, our concept of God. That Original Self has, in our theory at least, created an “arcade Universe” in which That Self may play, “as if” with friends, who are really subsets of The Original Self.

There is no reason to suppose that The One Self would have some built-in barrier preventing the mixing of consciousness1 with consciousness2. Certainly if The One Self has created all these galaxies, species, and all the incredible complexities science is slowly uncovering, the fungibility of consciousness we call extrasensory perception (ESP) should not be ruled out as a real (scientific) possibility.

The evidence already on the table for the statistical proof of ESP includes famous meta-analyses performed under the direction of Charles Tart.

Adding to this is the existence of rare individuals who appear to have received information from what could be above the level of the human race. These individuals include the Hebrew prophets, the authors of the Vedas, Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and many others, possibly including Einstein and Wheeler. This form of ESP is traditionally called inspiration, the receipt of knowledge from above.

Within the framework of our theory there is no reason to limit the likelihood of receiving guidance directly from The One Self – since we are each one unique combination of pieces of The One Self. We are also equal to The One Self in our awareness of being a self (we are the spark of experiencing), not equal in other functionalities, at least in our current incarnation.

There are many other powers of consciousness that tend to be denied and under-utilized in our current version of civilization. Hunches are sometimes accurate precognitions. Sometimes we are reading each other’s mind. Sometimes we think of a person at the same moment they think of us and we both find that out when one calls or writes the other by material means.

We also experience altered states of consciousness, with or without chemical stimuli. One such state named the Flow state by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is what athletes call the Zone and performers call being “on”, in which one is an engaged observer watching oneself perfectly execute the operations intended as if they are doing themselves – or as if The One Self has taken over control.

There are also Out Of Body Experiences and remote sensing and telekinesis (affecting the motion of other matter-energy objects other than oneself without causing any physical contact with the moved object). All of these are different ways that consciousness sometimes operates.

The writer has experienced all of these phenomena, most of it rarely, some of it daily.

One of the most useful forms of these peak experiences is the Observer state, a state of relative indifference to outcomes, which may be the prerequisite state to Flow state.

Synchronicity is often experienced and appears to be too unlikely every time it occurs to be explained away as mere coincidence. The mindset of asking oneself what the Universe is teaching us by a given synchronicity often yields insights which are of pragmatic value. This tends to cause one to think that an intentional process is behind these phenomena, a teleology (purpose-driven process) that runs through the whole Universe from its inception through each moment of time in each psion (the subatomic particle of consciousness).

Given the widespread denouncement of ESP one wonders if there were to be no such tabu, the population would quickly realize for themselves that these powers exist and can be cultivated.

The receiving of guidance from invisible benefactors is reported frequently not only in the Bible but throughout mythology. There could be a scientific basis for many of these reports, especially those that changed the world. In my youth I used the term “Noia” to mean “The suspicion that someone is out to do you good”. Having a worldview that meshes with an ability to spot cues from helpful invisible sources, is pro-survival, even if it rests upon a theory which may not yet be perfectly accurate.

Making scientific peace with God and ourselves as kindred consciousness will result in a more open-minded, less denial-driven, approach to discovering the functionalities within our own personal consciousness, including the power of prayer and the ability to engage in direct personal communication with the essence of yourself, the Creator of the Universe.

Although this is only a theory, the same is true of the theory of Materialistic Accidentalism. The question is which is closer to the truth. Our theory explains and integrates many phenomena that are neither explained nor allowed for in Materialistic Accidentalism, including all ESP phenomena, and including explaining how certain sages have been able to give such brilliant advice that molded our hisandherstory’s major turning points. It is consistent with the model of the connectedness of all things within a single consciousness.

Love to all,



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