NEW REVIEW: 4.2 stars. A compelling and thought-provoking work of science fiction. Harvey’s sprawling, hugely ambitious exploration of consciousness, free will, and the eternal dance between light and darkness is intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. The novel’s central message—that all beings, no matter how lost or misguided, are ultimately part of a greater cosmic unity—is a hopeful and uplifting one...Read the full review. — Indie Reader

NEW REVIEW: An eon-spanning and epically creative work of visionary alternate history, The Great Being by Bill Harvey is a sprawling parable about the powerful forces behind our interconnected existence … Blending realms of historical, religious, spiritual, and mythological traditions … the full value will be more readily apparent to those readers who can see the threads of allegory, legend, and science woven into one unified whole. A singularly unique and eye-opening work of visionary fiction....Read the full review.—Self-Publishing Review / Independent Review of Books

Tonally amusing, aesthetically fearless, and packed with witty observation and divine incident … By turns accessible, erudite, and hallucinogenic, it is an intriguing philosophical romp that cleverly fuses psychedelic science-fiction and fantasy elements with organized religion’s creationist ideologies and the scientific theories of evolutionism … An ambitious, entertaining novel packed with spiritual curiosity, one that will greatly appeal to fans of intelligent science fiction and alternative history stories alike... Read the full review. —BlueInk Review

Blending spiritual philosophy, alternate history, pre-historic adventure, and brisk life-after-life storytelling, The Great Being is above all a beginning. First comes creation itself, which gets started with the knockout opening line (“The Nothingness felt surprise upon realizing itself.”), … This is the fourth entry published but the first chronological chapter. It shares the swift pacing, spiritual seeking, twisty plotting, and sharply human dialogue of the earlier books, though its focus feels tighter... Read full review, —BookLife by Publisher’s Weekly.

NEW: In Harvey’s retelling of the creation myth, heavenly agents combat a growing rebellion unfolding on Earth ... this story deftly explores human nature—the uplifting qualities and dour traits alike ... enthralling tale of humanity's origins and cosmic espionage... Read full review, — Kirkus Reviews

A real standout…The radically inviting nature of this story brings with it the opportunity to view life and God in an entirely different light…The story evolves with a reinterpretation of myths, events, and concepts that invites and demands discussion and insights on the parts of all kinds of spiritual thinkers … One of Bill Harvey’s great talents lies not just in his storytelling ability, but in his focus on translating life events and history with new interpretations … Readers will find The Great Being’s message to be one of hope, discovery, and new ways of viewing the universe...Read full review. — Diane Donovan for Midwest Book Review