Tag Archives: you Are the Universe: Imagine That

Thank You So Much

Volume 4, Issue 23

Purple spiral fractal

Once, in a faraway, fertile and pleasant land, there lived a king who loved his children. He had a great many wives and so he had an even greater profusion of children. He loved them so much of course he spoiled every one, remembering them by name and knowing each as an individual. Each child grew up with the expectation of getting whatever they want, which caused them some disappointments as there are some things money can’t buy. But for the most part the kingdom was happy until Po came along.

Po’s mother was the king’s favorite and unfortunately, she died in childbirth. The king was disconsolate for a long time but never took it out on the boy. In fact, he lavished more upon Po than any child had ever gotten. Po was a beautiful and brave boy and devoted to his father. The king gave him whatever he wanted.

The problem was that Po quickly tired of each new thing and then wanted something else. Po began to wear a frown or bitter expression a lot of the time because he was bored, and disappointed that each new thing seemed like the whole world until he got it, at which point his attitude seemed to be saying, is that all there is to it?

The king was hurt by this because his world seemed to have shrunken down to a tunnel of making Po happy, as if that could let his lost wife know how much he would always love her. Now the kingdom was threatened not so much by a little boy who seemed never happy, but worse, by a king who never seemed happy any more either.

When Po was 12 he was already living in his own palace of his own design, with many sport chariots pulled by the most expensive imported horses. The king allowed him and his friends to carouse and eat opium and do whatever they wanted, which often inflicted accidental injury on innocent bystanders who could not complain without fear of death, as no one knew how far the king would go in his monomania for making Po lastingly happy, kings being kings.

When the king asked him what he wanted for his 13th birthday, which held kind of a special significance, Po declared that he wanted his own harem. The king was shocked but before he could recover, Po announced a second desire, that he would not marry the harem. This blew the king away entirely as kings always married their harem — it was tradition going back as far as time.

Nevertheless, the king once again did not hesitate to give Po whatever he wanted, and so Po got his harem. At least the land was civilized enough so that no one was forced into the harem, and Po had the innate decency to invite and not compel membership. Given that he would one day be king — this much was obvious — and he was handsome in a kind of sad way, there were many more applicants than Po accepted. In fact, news travelled and soon caravans of eager candidates were brought from faraway lands in all directions. And for a while, this new diversion seemed to do the trick, as there were new girls (sometimes grownup women) let into the harem every week, and newness was the only thing that had ever kept a smile on Po’s face.

But eventually, even this faded and Po reverted to his lifelong state of disappointment, unable to enjoy or even see the beauty around him. He treated his harem with indifference and hurt their feelings. The land resonated with unhappiness, it trickled down. One day the king realized how far he had let this go and was suddenly appalled. He had to do something different. His favorite wife’s son was having a bad life, the very last thing in the world he wanted to happen. It was up to him to find the solution.

One day, Po was kidnapped by a group of masked riders wearing clothing nobody had ever seen before. Armies were sent out looking for a very long time but he was never found. Po couldn’t believe what was happening. He was brave and fought but was outnumbered. He was treated roughly but never seriously hurt. That was because these were the most trusted of the king’s spies, brought back from foreign service on the most important mission of their lives.

Po’s existence was miserable. He missed good food, his harem, his father and friends, who now all seemed dearer to him than ever before. He missed having fun. He was imprisoned in a harsh dungeon and visited with indignities best left to the imagination. This life was truly horrible — he could not believe it was possible for this to be happening to him. He planned escape, revenge, and dreamed of return to his normal life. Oh, if he could only have his normal life back!

One day there was an attack and although Po could not see the action he knew there was fighting going on from the screams and crashing sounds. He thought he smelled fire and suddenly pictured himself burned alive. His mind nearly cracked.

But he was somehow rescued and saw that it was someone he knew, a member of the king’s guard, and then he saw dozens of guardsmen he knew, and realized that he was saved. Po hugged each of his rescuers and sincerely thanked them in a way that amazed the soldiers. Po had never been seen acting that way in his entire life.

When Po saw the King, disheveled from the fight (it was all an act of course), Po ran to him and hugged him in a way that he hadn’t in years. Tears flooded out of their eyes as they came together, really seeing each other as if for the first time.

Po was rarely unhappy again. His wives knew they were individually treasured when he offered to marry all of them in one big ceremony. People came from adjoining kingdoms and it was the biggest wedding in the world.

As he settled into his old/new life, Po was often seen simply walking or sitting in his garden, or out in the woods, as if in heaven with the flowers and birds and ground animals. Then one day he expressed an earnest desire to learn from his father how to be a good king. The king was grateful to God for such a request, and of course he granted it. Everyone in the land was grateful to God that the land was again a happy one, each subject appreciating whatever he or she had, and aspiring to work hard enough and be good enough to perhaps be even happier — but that is another story.

Po is you and I. The king is the Universe. When you or I are not able to enjoy what we have because of some backfired trick of the mind, the Universe does what it has to do to make us able to appreciate again.

A word to the wise: continually cultivating a grateful attitude for what you have will eliminate the need for the Universe to provide even more painful lessons.

Best to all,


Follow my regular blog contribution at Jack Myers Media Network: "In Terms of ROI.It is in the free section of the website at Bill Harvey at MediaBizBloggers.com.

You Are The Universe: Imagine That is now available. Read an excerpt and watch my videos where I talk about the book.

Smell the Sweetness

Volume 4, Issue 22

Annie was moving fast. She always moved fast. She did everything fast. She even laughed fast, and then quickly moved on to the next thing.

She whisked through the garden doing the necessary watering without noticing the sweet fragrance of new-mown grass and wildflowers. The softly scented breeze on her bare arms itself felt delicious and somehow combined into one thing with the scent. Faintly and unheard, a small inner voice related the moment to the song about a kiss you could build a dream on. The perfumed wind and immobile meditation could have been a winged heart dream but all this was literally beneath attention as Annie had things to do and if asked she would have said all her concentration was on getting the job done. There was some truth in that. She was intent on getting the tasks behind her, but not because there was good stuff ahead that she was eager to get to. And there was nothing like a state of concentration going on in her head.

Like so many of us, Annie’s mind was a mess. It was not focused. Her current movements were not based on a carefully-thought-out plan with transparent priorities. She was just keeping up with the have-to-do’s — the pervasive tone of life in the Accelerolithic Era. Distracted state precludes Flow state. There’s too much noisy messy input, with seemingly not enough time to process it.

Annie could be an artist. She is good with her hands and could envision a piece and create it. Doing that got her into the Flow state where she did her best work — her gift to the world.

Making money at her art seemed like an idle fantasy judging from the toughness of the world, her surroundings and friends and the lives they all led. There was great beauty in her surroundings but the mood created by the difficulty of making enough money to live pleasurably without constant fear of money problems made that beauty literally invisible.

If Annie were hypnotized and asked patiently for a long time about why she is always moving so fast, eventually she would come to realize something she does not know: it is because she is always unconsciously striving to make money. She feels without knowing it that she will make more money by doing everything as fast as she can. She does odd jobs for friends and acquaintances, like working in a dress shop, washing cars, walking dogs, and landscaping, so there is some logic in that unconscious thought. However, in reality the fast motion causes a slowdown in finished product due to the need to patch up things not done properly, which also eventually causes her to not get as much work from her employers as she would if everything were always done without things being left in the wrong places or half-done.

One layer deeper she might realize that the quest to make money was not really because she wanted to buy specific things so much as to please her partner and also to have other people be proud of her or realize that she is more capable than the way they have treated her.

Annie went to the mountaintop one day and although as the sun passed its zenith and the breeze began to be cold, she remained bare-armed and slipped into that waking dream where she was uplifted out of her Acceleritis and into the Flow state at what You Are The Universe calls “Soul-Level Two” — the bliss state, ananda. She was not moving fast. She was not under the dominance of any have-to-do compulsions. Her mind and body and every aspect of her were all lined up in the Game. There was no rush. She could see everything around her, hear everything, smell it all, enjoying the moment itself with no force causing her to lose freedom, break the fast on motion, in any direction.

This is the place to live at every moment. It is its own reward. Because we then give our finest performances at any beloved Game, we get paid the most money for it. We cannot get there by giving up as unrealistic the inner drive to do a specific thing we love to do, and settling into a mortgaged life of second-choice work that is steady and dependable. Like the hero or heroine in a movie, in real life we must pursue our highest calling, have the daring to do that extraordinarily risky seeming thing.

Then we will have the ability to concentrate, the prerequisite for Flow state. We will smell the sweetness of Life. And because the Universe is us, if we actually do what we are uniquely designed to do so that we provide true value to others, as if by magic the dreams will come true in the end.

“Do what you like to do. You’re going to be doing it for a long time.”

—George Burns, while puffing cigar

Best to all,


Follow my regular blog contribution at Jack Myers Media Network: "In Terms of ROI." It is in the free section of the website at  Bill Harvey at MediaBizBloggers.com.

You Are The Universe: Imagine That is now available. Read an excerpt and watch my videos where I talk about the book.

Do What You’re Inspired to Do

At Any Given Moment

Volume 4, Issue 21

Our moment of history may be called “The Accelerolithic Era” by those living thousands of years from now who study records of our period (even if they’re Martians). Since written records began (and I theorize because of written language) our information pressure per day has been exponentially accelerating. I call the resulting condition of humanity “Acceleritis”. Perhaps some remote indigenous people have not yet succumbed to this syndrome — I hope so for their sakes.

One of the components of Acceleritis is that we never have enough time to get done all the things we feel we ought to do.

This is a pandemic shock reaction to the effects of ever-mounting stimuli that set up “anti-closures” in our mind. These “anti-closures” (“sanskaras” in Sanskrit) are circuits that have taken an interest in some stimulus but now have unasked questions about that stimulus or the things immediately associated with the stimulus. (For a more Technical and Theoretical Description, see below.)

Every time you note interest in something, like the things your eyes land upon, this is what is happening in your brain, and we are definitely unaware of at least 99% of it.

Because of an apparently innate drive for closure, and the seeming impossibility of ever reaching closure on everything the mind desires closure on, we are uneasy at most times but have gotten used to it.

The feeling of always being behind speeds up our actions to the point of increasing errors requiring fixing, thus slowing us down and making us feel even more behind with no apparent hope of ever catching up.

We also repress the sense of needing closure, thus purposely ignoring hints from the subconscious asking us to contemplate things we have done that we regret, people we have not forgiven, and philosophical questions that once fascinated us and are central to life. We push stuff back down into that repressed area, which enlarges the unconscious at the expense of the conscious.

Some or all drug addiction may be traceable to this phenomenon.

Don’t Overthink It

During your work day or at play, you are often not sure what to do first. Do what most inspires you at that moment. Why? Because that way the chances are higher that you’re doing it in the Flow state, which never occurs when you are doing something because you should do it. I call that “doing it to get it out of the way”.  Flow state only occurs when you are enjoying what you are doing, and doing it solely or mainly for its enjoyment.

If you’re in the grip of Acceleritis and held down below the Observer state, you’ll not know what inspires you more to do next, X or Y or Z. The solution here is to  just let your body go and watch what it does. The body often makes decisions before the mind is consciously aware of making the decision. It’s the same decision. It’s the reflection of both the mind and body, both of those phenomena being aspects of the One Consciousness.

Don’t Be Email/Text/Tweet/Social Media Driven

It has become all too easy in the Accelerolithic Era to become driven by incoming email, texts, Tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts — meaning you don’t decide what to do next, you react to the ubiquitous digital input stream. This goes on all day and you become a willing slave to this digital input stream.

It’s helpful to let people know the times each day you’ve set aside to catch up with emails and texts and whatever else is queueing up.


Meditation — the mind observing itself — is the most efficient way to allow assimilation and closure of the most salient “anti-closures” bugging your mind subconsciously at any given point in time.

Like trying to remember a name, meditation does not work by “trying to do it”, it works by erasing everything going on inside and continuing to erase as thoughts/feelings/images/hunches arise. You’re allowed to jot down notes for later, using trigger words that will bring back the whole thought-train, and then resume the emptying out.

Here’s a quick YouTube video on the subject: Erase.

Best to all,


More Technical Theoretical Description

On the formation of “anti-closures”:

  1. These new pathways initially must be along established neurons. There they modify connectivity with other neurons by subtle chemical changes at the synapses caused by the mental state cascading from the reception of the stimulus.
  2. Longer term, new neuron growth is hypothesized stemming from the same causative event. Such growth helps the circuit continue to exist and occasionally “speak up” in the senate of the mind when the mental subject comes near the thoughts (or sub-thoughts) suggested by the stimulus.

Follow my regular blog contribution at Jack Myers Media Network: "In Terms of ROI." It is in the free section of the website at  Bill Harvey at MediaBizBloggers.com.

You Are The Universe: Imagine That is now available. Read an excerpt and watch my videos where I talk about the book.

Happy Anniversary World

Volume 4, Issue 20

Today is our 12th wedding anniversary. On the satellite radio Matt Monro sings Tony Newley’s song, On a Wonderful Day like Today, “May I take this occasion to say that the whole human race should go down on its knees, show that we’re grateful for mornings like these…”

Zohreh the cat steps on my bare feet and curls her tail around my calf, affectionate gestures to show how grateful and eager she is to receive her breakfast. Four identical little birds catch my eye with their geometric formation to remind me to hang their feeder.

Last night as an anniversary present to each other we attended Stan Satlin’s and Joel Martin’s musical tribute to Nelson Mandela on what would have been Mandela’s 96th birthday at the Riverside Church in Manhattan. Powerful African drums reverberated in my chest as we entered the great sanctuary. Reverend Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. recounted a visit to the church in which Dr. Martin Luther King, with great respect, introduced Nelson Mandela shortly after his release from 27 years in jail. Mandela’s peace-inspired writings had created an unstoppable tide for the end of apartheid which caused his release and then Presidency of post-apartheid South Africa. The touching event featuring Stan’s and Joel’s music, the voices of a horde of talented singers and musicians, and many moving personal remembrances, brought tears of joy and triumph for me and many others. The meaning of the event, entitled  “Footsteps of Mandela”, is that we are each to hear the inner voice from above the way he did and carry out our own Missions in the same unifying spirit.

I had heard Stan’s song “Keeper of the Song” before but never expressed the way it was last night, as a sacred hymn, by a chorus of amazing singers. I prevailed on Stan and Joel to rush me a copy of last night’s performance of that song. And alas it is not here in time for this post. As soon as it is available I will share it. In the meantime here is another recording of Keeper of the Song.
Keeper of the Song

Thirteen years ago Lalita awoke one morning at the ashram where she serves with a voice within her telling her that today she would meet the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life, and bade her to go to New Paltz for that meeting. Driving through a mounting snowstorm she arrived at the location specified by the voice and met me.

Hubble's Colliding Galaxies
courtesy of Hubble

At the time I had no idea she had dedicated her life to a spiritual Mission and that her ashram is located at the former site of the hotel where I spent every summer of the first 16 years of my life. As we parted from an initial meeting, I had snapshot flashes of the two futures that emanated from the moment, one in which we would be together. To me it was just a moment but apparently to Lalita it was longer and she later reported that it appeared I had lapsed into a narcoleptic trance.

In Mind Magic I wrote “When two individuals fall in love it is as if two fragments of the universal consciousness have remembered that they are one.”

To the extent of their love,
they will cease to seek individual goals,
and will begin to seek mutual goals.
Two consciousnesses seeking mutual goals

are in the process of gradually
becoming aware of themself
as one consciousness.

Once the goals are merged,
the perceptions and memories
are in a position to follow.

Know that the purpose of love
is to reunite the universal consciousness.

Our wedding ceremony was presided over by the late Rabbi Chaim Gelberman and combined Jewish and Vedic elements, leading me to classify it to friends as an Oy Vedic ceremony. The Rabbi reminded us that the Temple in Jerusalem was built not just for Jews but for all religions since Abraham’s Covenant was with the One God of all.

I’m now reading Harvey Kraft’s brilliant book The Buddha from Babylon in which he reveals a little-known connection between Judaism and the spiritual teachings of India. Abraham was a shaman and religious leader of the Yadu (“root for Yahudi, i.e. Jewish”), one of the five Indo-Aryan tribes mentioned in the Rig Veda, before migrating west following the Epic Drought. His name may be the source of the words Brahma (the Creator God) and Brahmin (man of God).

Abraham is estimated to have been in Babylonia after the Drought around 1800 BCE and the Rig Veda dates back no earlier than 1750 BCE according to Wikipedia and other Internet sources so on the face of it Harvey Kraft could be right.

I’m having an amazing day and I hope you are too.

My best to all,


Follow my regular blog contribution at Jack Myers Media Network: "In Terms of ROI." It is in the free section of the website at  Bill Harvey at MediaBizBloggers.com.

You Are The Universe: Imagine That is now available. Read an excerpt and watch my videos where I talk about the book.