Tag Archives: The Navigator

Some Thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions

Make your resolutions this year define and focus on your real priorities

Volume 5, Issue 45

As we approach a New Year, many of us are considering making New Year’s resolutions. Are you wondering if you’ll stick with your resolutions this time around, and thinking about how you can strengthen your resolve?

Here are some thoughts on resolutions from my guide on 7 Life Tools for creating lasting happinessThe Navigator :

Consider that because our mind acts just like a computer, when we make a resolution our mind makes a prediction of how we will act in the future. Based on past experience our mind’s prediction will tend to be that we are not going to follow through on that resolution. The mind predicts, generally, that we are going to continue to behave exactly the way we have in the past. The mind will remember that we make resolutions from time to time, but they are mere sayings, not actual intentions or actions.

This is because there is no feeling of change inside when a resolution is made; so our mind feels that the resolution has not changed anything, and therefore it will not change anything.

To start making real changes it will help to prove otherwise by acting immediately on your resolutions.

Start with a baby step. Don’t resolve to make huge changes instantly, for this is rarely possible. Take it in the slowest possible stages, one baby step at a time!

We are grateful to each of you for the opportunity to share ideas and tools to help optimize your journey through this life. In the upcoming weeks we’ll be providing more tools to help you actualize your resolutions.

We wish you all the very best in the coming year(s), starting with a safe New Year’s Eve.

My best to all for 2019,

Follow my regular media blog, In Terms of ROI at Media Village. Here is the link to my latest post.

How Resolutions Gain Traction

Volume 2, Issue 38

Be aware of your power to change yourself.

It is common for individuals to focus on their past performance as being predictive of how they will act in the future, regardless of their contrary resolutions.

This is because there is no feeling of change inside when a resolution is made; thus one feels instinctively that the resolution has not changed anything, and thus will not change anything.

Since one has no confidence in one’s resolutions, they then have no effect; then one says to oneself: “I told you so!” and continues to behave as in the past with less hope than ever of willing and effecting change.

Resolutions, therefore, must not be made lightly, for their non-effect will weaken the effectiveness of future resolutions.

Only resolve to do that which you are determined to do, after considering all aspects of an issue; then let nothing stop you unless and until your mind is changed by new inputs and resolutions.

Be aware that you will not feel anything inside when you make a resolution to change; therefore do not expect to feel anything inside, and do not take the absence of such a feeling to be evidence that you are not any different.

You are different: you have the invisible determination to act differently; and you have total invisible power to carry out this determination.

Be aware that the determination and the power may be invisible, yet real.

You can help prove this to yourself by acting immediately on your resolutions, even if the situation only allows this to be done in small ways: this will prove that you are now different and will make your invisible will visible.

— Mind Magic, Sixth Edition ©2012, pages 74-75

Wishing all a resolute, well-considered, decisive, and therefore effective and happy 2013.


PS — To help you get the year off to a refreshed and effective start, click here for your free copy of The Navigator — a day by day series of “lenses” designed to help you master your internal navigation system.