Tag Archives: Accidentalism

The Theory of Accidentalism

Powerful Mind Part 23

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog, March 7, 2025.
Created August 11, 2023
Read Powerful Mind 22

For millennia, most human deep thinkers of whom we have kept records humbly kept an open mind about the nature of reality. They knew how little they knew and admitted it. Anything might be possible. They could not rule out any possibility.

With the rise of scientific thinking in the past few hundred years, scientists gained confidence in the scientific method. They especially appreciated the methodology of not considering something proven until numerous experimenters verified the results. This disciplined standing back from prematurely accepting one’s own experimental proofs gradually became more and more important to the scientific community.

Scientists accordingly became more judgmental of each other as regards the perfect embodiment of this principle. Now in the 21st Century, they can be stern with one another, calling each other out. Membership in the scientific community can be cast in doubt for those who appear to transgress against this principle by theorizing in ways that include unproven specifics.

William of Ockham in the 14th Century had added the idea of parsimony or elegance as a heuristic criterion for the construction of scientific theories. Essentially, this meant to start from the fewest assumptions possible to come up with the simplest explanations for things. Half a millennium later, Einstein was to modify this idea with his own notion: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

Although this heuristic was never intended to be taken as a scientific principle, its close association with the scientific principle of replicated verification reinforced the idea of scientific simplicity as a clue to probable truth. This is ironic since everything we have learned about the universe so far proves the exact opposite: the universe is incredibly complex.

The formation of a scientistic culture around these ideas of demanding replicated proofs before asserting truth plus parsimony created what might be regarded as an aesthetic: a way of preferring the world to be, for unspoken and perhaps non-articulatable reasons. A world in which true scientists would cling to the proven and not add to that anything theoretical that was more than a stone’s throw away from the collection of proven facts. Scientists deviating from this aesthetic could lose their status, and their ability to receive funding for their work.

It was into this context that scientists began to treat the idea of a Godlike intelligence as being too far out to qualify under Occam’s Razor: God became classified as an unnecessary assumption.

This did not mean that science had proven the non-existence of such an intelligence, merely that it was at odds with a heuristic and a culture which had grown up around science. Some have compared today’s class of scientists to the ancient priest class: a group of people who feel superior, use codes that the non-members of the class cannot understand (advanced mathematics), and have an agenda that extends beyond the specific work of that class.

In order to avoid the invoking of “the unnecessary assumption,” science had to give credit to how much could be explained purely based on accident. We now, as a world culture, are willing to assume that life and then consciousness came about simply by the accidental crashing together of matter and energy. None of us has ever seen a beautiful and intricate sculpture being built out of a sandy beach by the action of the waves, and yet this is what we as a civilization largely “believe in.”

The theory of Materialistic Accidentalism has become our default explanation for reality at a non-conscious level. That theory has not been proven, and yet science is willing to assume it as a default, and to defrock scientists who write about ideas which can be quickly pigeonholed as “magical thinking” and “superstition.”

Einstein Rejected Accidentalism

Einstein did not accept Accidentalism. As he famously said, “God does not play dice with the universe.” He also wrote in 1954 in an article “On Scientific Truth”: “Certain it is that a conviction, akin to religious feeling, of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a higher order… This firm belief, a belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God.”

“A superior mind.” This is what Einstein was sure had created the universe. He did not say that the universe and that superior mind were the same thing, nor that each of us shares consciousness with that superior mind; I cannot claim that any famous respected scientist has ever taken that position. For the moment, it’s just my theory.

“A superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience.” Did Einstein mean our own conscious experience, his own conscious experience, or the experience of taking measurements during scientific experiments, or did he mean all of those things? We don’t know. In the final chapters of my book, A Theory Of Everything Including Consciousness and “God”, I lay out certain experiments readers can undertake on their own which might convince them through their own experiences that there is something to my theory, as they realize they have hunches that turn out to be accurate, read people’s minds accurately, and receive inspirations that contain information beyond anything they have ever heard or thought before.

You ought not believe my theory, simply keep an open mind, do not assume that science has proven anything yet about my theory, positively nor negatively. Having an open mind you will have experiences and notice them that may constitute evidence convincing to you on way or another as to whether consciousness is a connected thing.

With an open mind you will begin to notice how often you experience synchronicity: you are thinking something, and then something occurs in the external world which is relevant to what you have just been thinking. A song on the channel you are listening to might come on just at that moment, or someone might say something to you, or you might notice something going on around you that seems like a comment on your recent thought.

As if someone is listening in to your mind besides you yourself, someone who is able to make things manifest to the world of your senses. When you notice how often this happens, and your gut tells you that so many coincidences happening accidentally are unlikely, and when you detect that you are learning important lessons through these synchronicities, you may also feel a degree of alignment with my theory.

The most important thing is not my theory, it’s the openness of your mind. Letting in all experiences without filtration based on hidden assumptions of materialism and accidentalism, and forming your own independent theory of what is going on, based on weighing all the evidence of your own experience. Updating your own theory continuously. Deconditioning the imposed cultural assumptions and applying the unbiased scientific method to your own life.

Watch this 1-minute video of Bill talking with his daughter about Materialistic Accidentalism.

Love to all,

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Humanists May Not Be Using All of Their Powers

Volume 3, Issue 16

Humanism is a wonderful thing. As a teenager I came to the conclusion that people’s decisions reflect not only pragmatism and ethics but also one’s aesthetics. Based on all three sets of criteria, pragmatic (getting the job done), ethical (doing so with least harm and most gain to all), and aesthetic (delectation of the beauty of the solution as it unfolds), I loved Humanism.

I was still an atheist and worshipper of science at that point. The realization at age 12 that “I am God and so is everybody else” was still an unassimilated revelation in my mind, not integrated with everything else in there. (The word “God” turns a surprising number of people off and so I typically say “Universe” instead.) I had experienced the Conscious Universe but could not explain it logically to myself. Humanism was therefore to me the highest philosophy on the planet. I still love Humanism, but now see that the Conscious Universe perspective gives me more ability to achieve the aims of Humanism.

With the Conscious Universe, one is open to get creative solution ideas from events around oneself that would have no special meaning to a Humanist not open to the Conscious Universe. It is as if the Universe is trying to clue you into something. It goes right past you unless you are open to the possibility. I call this Noia, the suspicion that the universe is out to benefit you. This word popped into my head in the mid-70s and I’ve been using it ever since. In 2005 Rob Brezsny came out with a book Pronoia about the same idea.

Openness to the Noia-type event reveals that synchronicity is actually happening a heck of a lot more to each of us that we notice in our pre-Noia state. Noia is not the totality of why the Conscious Universe tends to lift time spent in Flow more than Humanism does. Noia is a subset of the use of intuition. Intuition is actually ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). Carl Jung listed intuition as one of the four functions of consciousness (intellect, feelings, and perception being the other three). To science, intuition is the sudden synthesis of an idea in our mind without the intervening steps that intellect would take, and as such the scientific definition does not link intuition to ESP. However, my sense is that the continuum of intuition starts at the lower end in the subconscious/autonomic mind simply putting ideas together for us, and moves up into drawing information from outside the local mind we call our own. The upper end of intuition is blocked if one’s worldview does not allow for it, and this is why the Conscious Universe is a useful theory linked to decision making.

Again, the Conscious Universe is put forth not only as a theory explaining the world including consciousness, the paranormal and Quantum Mechanics, but mainly as a useful lens for staying observant of second-to-second experience. Unlike religion there is no command to believe based on faith or authority or tradition. Instead the idea is to keep an open mind and not to lock oneself into Material Accidentalism, because if the Universe is Conscious (which, contrary to popular belief, Science has not ruled out) one is limiting one’s powers unnecessarily by taking a fixed action stance based on what turns out to be, ironically, faith in an anti-religion religion. Some have dubbed this anti-religion “scientism”, the layman’s mistaken belief that science has ruled out the possibility of an intelligence behind the universe (I usually refer to this as Materialist Accidentalism) — which by definition is a faith-based belief since there is no proof for its position.

Best to all,


Follow my regular blog contribution at Jack Myers Media Network: In Terms of ROI. It is in the free section of the website at  Bill Harvey at MediaBizBloggers.com.

Bring a Sense of the Epic into Your Life

Volume 3, Issue 11

Science can no longer rule out the possibility that a Single Universal Intelligence is the only thing that exists, per our Theory of the Conscious Universe. Our theory explains how this Intelligence is able to simultaneously play an infinite number of chess games called lives. The You who looks out your eyes and experiences life may not be the gnomish “you” that parts of yourself — neuron clusters programmed by Accidentalism and Materialism — think you are.

Accidentalism is the religion that claims the universe came about by accident out of nothingness.

Materialism is the religion that claims everything is matter, so the human need to worship something can be directed only at material things.

My theory is not a religion. It is a system of hypotheses aimed at explaining all of documented human experience including the “paranormal”. We classify certain experiences as “paranormal” based on our limited experience in the universe as the standard for what is “normal”. And based on our mental emotional ego filters that protect us from dissonance by steadfastly refusing to make anything out of the cumulatively uncanny success rate of our own hunches, thereby trivializing our own experiences of the “paranormal”.

The explanation making the most sense to my gut is that there is only One of us. Each of us is another instance of the Universal Intelligence. All instances are really one Intelligence playing many roles.

The main thing about my theory is that I don’t want you to believe it but rather to test it for yourself. This means using it as a lens of what may in fact be true, certainly is possible, and why not see if using the lens to explain experience might not lead to more control and pleasure than the present way of looking at things?

Some might liken this to a pleasant drug-induced state of useless fantasy. It is equally plausible that the way we as a world look at things today is an unpleasant drug-induced state of useless fantasy.

At any rate, one needs merely to entertain the possibility that the entire selfness of the Universe is what looks out your eyes, which you call yourself “me”. This is logically and empirically possible based on the most predictively successful theory in history, quantum mechanics. So entertain it for a second.

Realize it is possible that you are the one self that exists, enjoying yet another life. Realize if this just happens to be the one true explanation that science and everyone will affirm some day in the future, here you are going to the movies to enjoy identifying with a fictional character who is having an epic adventure, when in fact that is just a fairy tale produced in Hollywood while your own life is a genuine, authentic, rich real life saga of a hero beset by challenges and overcoming them — just like in the movies — but real — and therefore infinitely more meaningful and dramatic.

It is possible that the One Being is you… and everyone else. Possible. Actually possible. You have been betting on a reality so far different from this, your automatic reaction is to thrust it aside with a derisive snort. That reflex is itself an interesting phenomenon deserving careful attention — put a pin in it, we will come back and dissect it often on this page in the future. Call it your daily persona, “the robot”. The name is a handle to put on that aspect of your self — the reasons will become apparent in this blog and in my books (including Mind Magic) and DVDs. 

Don’t let the thrusting aside of new concepts or experiences be internally accepted. Override it by an act of will from your true self. Keep an open mind. Empirical evidence is the only thing to give weight to. Things you yourself have experienced, seen with your own eyes, not things you were told. All the philosophies and cosmologies and religions and scientific theories and my theories are just abstractions of the real thing — symbol systems, metaphors, isomorphisms (same information carried in different code). Reality is what it is. As a race we cannot say yet that we really know what it is. Therefore an open mind is the only sane position — yet another clue that the present world system is not actually sane. Acceleritis has caused EOP. Information overload has actually existed for 6000 years and just keeps getting worse, exponentially. We are dealing with it very poorly. Our society is not yet a sophisticated one. Civilization on planet Earth will be sane and sophisticated when its mind is open and each person is making careful and unfiltered observations of his/her own experience. The Observer state leading to the Flow state.

Takeaway: don’t thrust aside the undisprovable possibility that you are the hero in the most epic movie of all time… and so is everyone else.

Best to all,


PS — You Are The Universe  is now on track for Summer 2013 publication. Watch this space for more.