Created June 11, 2021
This is an SOW for the human race. It’s really an urgent request.
You see, it’s difficult to see something that is gigantic. Your mind has an automatic program for suppressing cognitive dissonance, especially during Acceleritis.
This is not any less threatening than all of those movies. This is the oncoming reality of those scary movies.
It’s time for each of us to stand up and pitch in.
Putting aside the petty grievances of the past.
This part is for philanthropists:
Think outside the box, it’s not business as usual right now.
Old reliable methods may need to be set aside during the emergency.
Where can your gifts do the most good?
After putting out the fires of old rivalries, Job Number One will be something like
- Bring all people in the world up to the current national average household income in the USA
- Do it respecting their desire to work for it, make fair deals, family education covered
- This is greenfield economic opportunity for everyone, if we go cold turkey on our addiction to dystopian expectations
In other words, if you can imagine for a second that the human addiction to violence might disappear suddenly, without having to think about that all the time, the development of the underdeveloped would be the natural magnet. That’s where the growth rate will be the most impressive, good for stock prices.
Only the violence and the addictive tendencies of the mind separate us, the human race, from stepping across the great divide, into seeing our wholeness, our connectivity, our oneness.
But if we could all be given that vision, wear that lens, for ten minutes, we would ask so what are we going to do instead? And self-realizing that there are excitingly vast possibilities in a future in which we can get along without hate, overt or covert.
The planet needs a lot of work, let’s get it organized and start to put it back together better than it ever was.