Created January 14, 2021
It’s often been said that Americans are rugged individualists. As compared with the world average, I would agree with that as an American average.
It’s also been recently media-drummed into our heads that only far-right Americans are rugged individualists, and that the rest of us – all of us who are not far right – are socialists/collectivists.
This is a Big Lie that apparently has been successfully installed in the minds of (my estimate post insurrection) 40 million Americans – and I estimate that another 40 million de-installed that program around January 7.
The strange behaviors we see all around us lately make it really easy for me to establish my case as to how powerfully the media affect us.
This post continues the current series “On the Road to Flow” aimed at helping you stay in higher levels of consciousness (Observer and Flow states) which the great psychologist of individualism Abraham Maslow called “peak experiences”. He also coined the term “Self-Actualized” to describe human beings who had truly identified and exalted their individuality. And thereby found themselves in more continuous peak experiences.
Today’s post comes at this from two angles:
- How to become a true patriotic American rugged individualist by not being taken over and made a mind-slave of the media you’ve consumed.
- How to become a true rugged individualist by ferreting out and removing the remnants of your early conditioning.
Increasing Discrimination Applied to New Media Input
We continue to be programmed all the days of our lives, until we truly wake up to Observer state and Flow state levels, after which we are far less prone to being programmed by media and others. Until we reach those levels of peak experience and semi-Enlightenment, we are easily able to be taken over by charismatic tyrants, Big Lies, code words and symbols, and the sense of belonging and power we get by aligning with charismatic tyrants.
We go along with that programming while we are in the unconscious trance called Normal Waking Consciousness because it makes us feel less bad. But we can be swept up like pawns, used and thrown away by the charismatic tyrant, and then possibly incarcerated by Law & Order against which we (our true inner spirit) unintentionally transgressed (followers wind up trapped in scapegoating someone the master wishes to punish). Of course, our Ego was totally involved in the intention. And there is no way to absolve an individual of the consequences of acts caused by the AI rather than the me-that-was-born. That would be too easy an excuse. The Universe does not offer that escape clause. Nor do human councils assembled with the intention for justice.
The terrible Capitol Insurrection is a very strong advertisement for the need humanity has to truly wake up to the way their heads work and how to stay master of it.
Removing Conditioning from Past Influences
In the Flow state, one’s attention is single-pointed and all-encompassing, it sees and acts upon everything in your inner sensorium and in your so-called outer world at once – your entire phenomenal experience bubble in one go. In fact, if one were to break that concentration by thinking about it, that would:
- Take you down out of Flow into Observer state.
- Have you commenting on how unusual it is to be Flowing as if dancing with a perfect dance partner who is the entire outside world as it is experienced by you at this moment.
But when you are not in the Flow state nor even in the Observer state, when you are in that most common of states, Normal Waking Consciousness, your attention is decidedly not single-pointed. And you are not merged with the outside world at all.
One of things you have been unwittingly conditioned into habitually doing in that Normal Waking state, is to constantly rate how well you did a moment ago.
For one thing, this blocks you from going into Observer or Flow state, because it takes you out of the Now into the Past. This squanders your scarce resource of attention, except when it is necessitated, such as by your suspecting you have just made and must instantly correct a horrendous gaffe.
In the great majority of such moments however there is no compelling evidence of such urgency to continuously rate yourself.
This is merely one example of the pernicious invisible conditioning we all go through in life – despite everyone’s best intentions.
From Chapter 4 of MIND MAGIC:
This self-rating program
Is another internalized voice
Which originally belonged to other individuals
Who used it as a reward-punishment device
To condition you to perform in the ways
They wanted you to perform.
When you did what they wanted,
They said “(your name) good boy/girl”;
When you didn’t do what they wanted,
They said “(your name) bad boy/girl.”
This program now has independent life in your head.
You’ll note that MIND MAGIC is written in a peculiar way, almost like poetry. I call it “Inner Head Language”. I find that it works best in changing my own behavior. It may be that its child-like simplicity is for some reason more accessible to the theorized AI in our brains. As if the Ego conditioning comes from a time we were very young, when this was the only language we understood then, so the code in our heads is written in that language.
To read the full chapter of MIND MAGIC on this subject please click here.
To get the whole book free please click here. (Free offer expires upon herd immunity to Covid-19.)
All my best,