Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog July 12, 2024
Powerful Mind Part 25 originally posted on August 25, 2023
Read Powerful Mind 24
There is no separation between you and the scene you inhabit.
There is no separation between you and the scene you inhabit, you are not doubting nor second-guessing yourself, everything is flowing by itself, and it’s all perfect, you are having a peak experience you will remember forever, and enjoying it to the hilt.
This is the way you will feel when you’re in the Flow state of ecstasy. In this level of Flow your body and your feelings are both in Flow, and you love and are grateful omnidirectionally.
There is a Flow state one step below that, where only your body is in Flow, but even in that level, your mind and emotions are not getting in the way. Your body’s actions are perfect and are doing themselves. Your mind and emotions are not gloating about it, because you are immersed in a state of play and are detached from the attachment to any outcomes, such as winning. This is the Flow state of action.
One step up from ecstasy Flow is mental Flow, where words come into your mind that are drenched in meaning and significance and yet exhibit artistic brevity of the highest order, and seem to be coming from above. You know that you are reading the minds and feelings of other people. Your ability to anticipate accurately is greatly increased. You have visions of possible futures, and how they can be steered toward or away from. You can grok eternal truths at a deeper level.
The Flow states nest into one another so that when you are in mental Flow you are also in ecstasy and in the Flow state of action.
Above mental Flow state, I’ve experienced two other levels, both spiritual in nature. One step up from mental Flow state you directly sense the consciousness of the universe as an embracing love. You can detect the presence of the universe consciousness with you, right there, and you know that it knows everything going on within you, you are in direct communication.
In the highest level there is a degree of control which you appear to have over events around you. Or the universe has the control and is using it to support your work.
“I am with a couple of friends and one of them is exhibiting her characteristic tendency of wanting to guess what I am about to say even before I say it. However, every time she interrupts, there is a loud thunder-like sound coming from somewhere that drowns her out. The other friend and I cannot stop laughing. The interruptive friend tries to outguess the thunder-like sound by waiting in silence and then suddenly speaking before the thunder gets her, but the thunder is always faster on the draw.”
— You Are the Universe, page 250
You probably agree that, if I am not imagining all the above, these are states of consciousness that you would like to experience. Many of you probably can verify the truth of some of the above, having experienced it yourself, and if that applies in your case, you probably agree that you would like to experience those states more often.
That is the whole point of my highest passion work, to make it possible for more of us to spend most of our time in Observer state and Flow state.
Observer state is the entry point into Flow state. In Observer state, we are able to discern our own ego impulses from the inspirations of our own highest self.
Below the Observer state there are a variety of ego-dominated states in which we are somewhat or very obsessed with our own selfish desires and in fear of not getting or not keeping the objects of our desires. Some of us in these lower states are somewhat or completely sane, while others in those states are somewhere on the neurotic-psychotic spectrum.
I find it pragmatic to lump all of these lower states into what I call EOP, Emergency Oversimplification Procedure, a pandemic coping strategy which arises autonomically in the presence of information overload and what appear to be unanswerable questions, such as “Who Am I? What Is This Universe?” The mind “decides” (typically below the level of consciousness) that there is no point wasting time thinking about such things, and the mind instead chooses among and subscribes to popular pre-packaged ideologies, choosing based on similarities to what one has been conditioned to believe by early experiences.
One does not reach individuality but convinces oneself of the opposite. One does not see that rooting for one party over another, or one religion or non-religion over another, is the avoidance of thinking for oneself by buying into some established belief system.
For a moment, turn off your inner dialog, and see the world around you. Let yourself feel the love you feel toward each of the things you can see around you, how grateful you are to have those things, including your family, your pets, your work, your home, your “toys”, nature, your memories, life itself.
Identify with the whole scene you apprehend, not just with your current vehicle. See yourself as your consciousness (including that which appears within the perceptual field of your consciousness), and your current body as something you love, and which is like your car but even closer to you than that.
Accept the fact that there is not much you can know with absolute certainty right now, but you still have to go on making the best decisions you can. Accept that it is totally not going along with the crowd for you to identify with the universe, nor will you win the support of the masses by keeping an open mind about life after death. Nevertheless, in the privacy of your own mind, you can decide to remove the block against currently unpopular notions.
It turns out that this is essential to spending more time in the higher states of effectiveness. Eschewing the mundane view of life. Being an individual with your own views of life and openness to possibilities still on the fringe of scientific verification.
Be on the lookout for slipping back into mundane thinking and feeling. It will happen to you, it happens to all of us, the conditioning and the repetition have their own powerful momentum.
Realize and feel good about it when you click back into individualism.
When you sense you are not in a joyous state, realize that you’ve slipped back into attachment to lower things, a mundane state of mind.
Remember this song [lyrics and music] at those times.
Be grateful to the intelligence which caused the miracle of the universe which gave you life as a native part of that same intelligence which manifests as the universe.
When the universe is convinced that this is authentic on your part, it will be disposed to give you these higher powers. The universe wants all of its parts to succeed because, in reality, everything is one consciousness, so benevolence begins at home, and protecting other parts by not sharing higher powers with those parts who are dangerous is just good sense.
Tyrants and other dangerous people in our hisandherstory have been allowed to use their free will but have not been given Flow state. Hitler if given Flow state would now be our planetary ruler.
It would be wise for we ourselves to limit even mere earthly powers given to people who do not authentically exhibit love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Key #4
Root for the Universe, not just for your current vehicle.
This is radical new mental strategy #4,
the fourth simple key to the doorway
of the upper mind.
What does it mean to “root for the Universe?” It means, in practice, nurturing and trying to benefit everyone and every living thing.
Being self-sacrificing is sometimes the right tactic, but not as a general practice; you too are part of The One.
Note that this strategy will make you feel good and will gain you more loving friends even if it turns out that, counter to Einstein, the universe turns out to be a non-intelligent accident. However, if you are merely faking it in order to get those benefits, it will not work, which in itself is an interesting bit of evidence of the consciousness of the universe.
Love to all,
“There is no separation between you and the scene you inhabit”. I love this! It is truth. When you couch it within the rest of your thought about it only happening when you are in the Flow State, it diminishes its reality. We sometimes only perceive it in the flow state but in reality, there truly is no separation.