Updated July 31, 2020
Let’s agree that this is a mission worthy of our collective focus and best efforts. In the current confusion and fear, armed groups are forming, some to defend against a coup d’etat in November, some to assist it, and others with widely varying notions. One Civil War was enough. As in a good marriage that winds up on rough seas, it’s worth it to work toward repair rather than dissolution. We’ve got a good thing going here. Awesome people set it up for us and we’ve built it up into the hope of the world, many of us have died for it, we owe it all of them to bring us back together.
Our individual and largescale best move would be to first acknowledge the feelings and disparity that exists on so many issues we are facing, and then seek new creative ways to formulate compromise concepts and action programs that can bring all of us together to effect authentic change. If we just begin the dialogue together and quickly wind down the negativity, we can pull together toward creativity and compromise.
Creativity is one thing that has still been missing on the real issues at hand. Mostly we hear variations on ancient themes, not inspiring new ideas. Exactly the opposite of what is needed. Look at the world around us — it is full of amazing surprises in technology, lifestyles, and new ideas in every field except politics when it comes to some of the most serious societal issues that we face. The American people want creativity in public policy and in healing the serious societal riffs that still fester. Here’s just one example to illustrate my point: https://www.billharveyconsulting.com/pdf/Schooling-in-Pandemic.pdf?d4
We all need to retrain ourselves to think, stripping away everything and starting from fresh sheets of paper or blank screens, reinventing anew. Let’s think the unthinkable. Pour out ideas without regard for taking credit, resolving to work together as one team, for the greater good. We have real challenges, and we must together devise the real new solutions that lie just beyond barriers of our own making. We are in need of leaders, those who will propose new, positive and healing solutions as we move forward.
There is rich value in our dynamic differences. Respect for those whose views or backgrounds differ from our own is the mother from which invention of new creative re-bonding ideas springs. Lack of such respect is an infertile ground for creativity and healing. If we open ourselves up and consider other’s perspectives, there can be real inspiration in our own creative ideas that might succeed in bringing us together. Let’s all share in the creative process and bubble up grassroots ideas for leaders to build upon.
In this spirit of America, let’s all step up to heal the rifts that divide us with ideas that can solve the challenges the human race has created for itself.
We invite you to embrace healing in your own life so that it may radiate out — as from pebbles rippling in a vast pond.
My Best to All!
Here is my latest post at my media blog, “In Terms of ROI“ at MediaVillage.com under MediaBizBloggers .