Category Archives: Powerful Mind

Powerful Mind Pt. 6

Created April 14, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

To read Powerful Mind Pt. 5, click here.

The Observer State

A clearer, more effective state of consciousness —
only seconds away from your daily state of consciousness.
Just knowing it exists can benefit you

This entire book is about states of consciousness. In this chapter we will focus on one particular state of consciousness we call the Observer state. The Observer state is more powerful than the state most of us are in most of the time, and leads to the Flow state, which is more powerful still in terms of your ability to make an impact on others around you and on the world. We speak about both states as being “The Upper Mind”. The purpose of this book is to show you the simple yet easily missed doorways into the Upper Mind.

Why is it important to think about consciousness at all? Because life is all about consciousness. We do not exist without consciousness. While modern science has made brilliant progress in almost every other sphere of reality, too little is known about consciousness.

Yet all the ills of the world are rooted in ignorance of how consciousness works. We have made the world we see around us. It all started in our minds. Every day we do things we regret because we listen to and act on whatever our minds dish up to us. We need our minds to perform better, to become powerful, to gain insight into ourselves and others, to come to better decisions on a moment to moment basis.

The extreme anti-heroes who have become powerful on the world stage, who have driven much of our history so far, might not have chosen paths of destruction if their genius had been creatively channeled, if they had not lost touch with their compassion and love.

If we collectively knew our own minds better we would not go to war but rather we would find creative win/win solutions — the ones we get to in the end anyway after all the bloodshed. The path to a better world lies through the terrain of consciousness. One day when we all really do know our minds better the world will be a relative paradise compared to the way it has been throughout all recorded history. As the great science fiction pioneer H.G. Wells said, “History is a race between education and destruction.” If we can make our minds powerful now, we can gain the maturity as a race necessary to not destroy ourselves, given the extreme weaponry we have now at our disposal and our habitual disregard of our destructive effect on the environment (the air we breathe, the water we drink).

Because war is a pattern repeated throughout recorded history, we tend to assume this is the way it has to always be. And yet, “recorded history” literally means since the onset of written language. In short, written language and the thinking processes that go with it have led to acceleritis, information overload and Emergency Oversimplification Procedure (EOP), which blocks upper mind and leads not only to war but also to crime and personal cruelty born of our disconnection from innate compassion. Our minds need to become more powerful in order not to be confused by the information overload so much that we are easily led and manipulated into a life nearly devoid of positive feelings, squandering the opportunity of life.

Each of us knows intuitively that the only thing we can change is ourselves. This is the only way we can make a better world.

Powerful Mind seeks to reveal specific information and techniques for attaining specific states of consciousness. We will be talking about waking states of consciousness, not about sleeping states. Sleeping states are important too, but in the interest of focus we’ll leave these to another book.

A Broader View of What Science Is

Around 400 BC, in the Golden Age of Greek philosophy, one branch of philosophy called “epistemology” focused on understanding “how can we know”? Over time, different schools of thought evolved about how we can know: rationalists believe that we can know things directly through our intellect; authoritarians believe we know by listening to authority figures who tell us what we know; empiricists believe that we know by direct experience, by testing things in the real world; intuitionists believe we can know directly through a mysterious faculty.
Science developed out of empiricism, basing what we consider to be “truth” on factual experience, testing and validation. In the case of science as practiced in the West, especially in the last few hundred years, that “experience” is usually the taking of measurements using instruments with dials and displays from which one takes readings. The person taking the readings is the “observer” often mentioned in relativity and quantum mechanics, the latest forms of science. In the East, science is also based on experience, and there the experience can often be inner experience where dials and displays are not involved. This is still science and still based on empirical experience.

This Eastern willingness to accept internal evidence explains why science in the West has not validated the existence of the more effective states of consciousness. Starting toward the end of the 19th Century, inner experience or introspection fell out of favor in psychology, after William James, the last of the giants of psychology to accept inner evidence directly. The more externally-oriented culture of the West created a blind spot. In psychology, work shifted to behaviorism, the focus on externally quantifiable actions, along with the study and social application of conditioning to alter these actions.

Eastern epistemology actually fuses empiricism and intuitionism. No conflict is seen between these ways of knowing because they both involve experiencing reality for oneself.

Although based on empiricism, Western science became authoritarian and elitist in its epistemology: the common person was excluded from “knowing” by the reduction of all science to mathematics, a difficult language to master. Science at its cutting edge moved out of the sphere of something the common person could totally visualize and comprehend.

Science and States of Consciousness

Regarded academically as a “soft science”, traditional Western psychology recognizes only three states of consciousness: dreamless sleep, dream sleep, and waking consciousness. Eastern psychology since the fifth century B.C. recognized ten states of waking consciousness: the normal everyday waking state, the access state which precedes meditation, and eight progressively deeper states of meditation. Oscar Ichazo, a modern student/teacher of consciousness techniques and founder of the Arica Institute in 1968, fuses ideas from consciousness explorers throughout history (plus his own) to propose fifteen waking states of consciousness ranging from psychosis, through six levels of neurosis, three levels corresponding to the Eastern access state, and five levels of higher consciousness.

It is revealing that Western psychology reduces waking consciousness to a single state. William James was the first prominent Western psychologist who warned against “prematurely closing the book” on the existence of other states of waking consciousness. More recently, Mihaly Czikszenthmihalyi (pronounced “cheek-sent-me-high-ee”), former head of the University of Chicago Psychology Department, coined the term “Flow state” (known in show business as “Being On”, and in sports as “The Zone”), and conducted valuable research into this state, which was published in his 2008 book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.

Details to follow in the subsequent posts.

Love to all,



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Powerful Mind Pt. 4

Created March 31, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

To read Powerful Mind Pt. 3, click here.

Chapter 2

The Observer State

A clearer, more effective state of consciousness —
only seconds away from your daily state of consciousness.
Just knowing it exists can benefit you

This entire book is about states of consciousness. In this chapter we will focus on one particular state of consciousness we call the Observer state. The Observer state is more powerful than the state most of us are in most of the time, and leads to the Flow state, which is more powerful still in terms of your ability to make an impact on others around you and on the world. We speak about both states as being “The Upper Mind”. The purpose of this book is to show you the simple yet easily missed doorways into the Upper Mind.

Why is it important to think about consciousness at all? Because life is all about consciousness. We do not exist without consciousness. While modern science has made brilliant progress in almost every other sphere of reality, too little is known about consciousness.

Yet all the ills of the world are rooted in ignorance of how consciousness works. We have made the world we see around us. It all started in our minds. Every day we do things we regret because we listen to and act on whatever our minds dish up to us. We need our minds to perform better, to become powerful, to gain insight into ourselves and others, to come to better decisions on a moment to moment basis.

The extreme anti-heroes who have become powerful on the world stage, who have driven much of our history so far, might not have chosen paths of destruction if their genius had been creatively channeled, if they had not lost touch with their compassion and love.

If we collectively knew our own minds better we would not go to war but rather we would find creative win/win solutions — the ones we get to in the end anyway after all the bloodshed. The path to a better world lies through the terrain of consciousness. One day when we all really do know our minds better the world will be a relative paradise compared to the way it has been throughout all recorded history. As the great science fiction pioneer H.G. Wells said, “History is a race between education and destruction.” If we can make our minds powerful now, we can gain the maturity as a race necessary to not destroy ourselves, given the extreme weaponry we have now at our disposal and our habitual disregard of our destructive effect on the environment (the air we breathe, the water we drink).

Because war is a pattern repeated throughout recorded history, we tend to assume this is the way it has to always be. And yet, “recorded history” literally means since the onset of written language. In short, written language and the thinking processes that go with it have led to acceleritis, information overload and Emergency Oversimplification Procedure (EOP), which blocks upper mind and leads not only to war but also to crime and personal cruelty born of our disconnection from innate compassion. Our minds need to become more powerful in order not to be confused by the information overload so much that we are easily led and manipulated into a life nearly devoid of positive feelings, squandering the opportunity of life.

Each of us knows intuitively that the only thing we can change is ourselves. This is the only way we can make a better world.

Powerful Mind seeks to reveal specific information and techniques for attaining specific states of consciousness. We will be talking about waking states of consciousness, not about sleeping states. Sleeping states are important too, but in the interest of focus we’ll leave these to another book.

A Broader View of What Science Is

Around 400 BC, in the Golden Age of Greek philosophy, one branch of philosophy called “epistemology” focused on understanding “how can we know”? Over time, different schools of thought evolved about how we can know: rationalists believe that we can know things directly through our intellect; authoritarians believe we know by listening to authority figures who tell us what we know; empiricists believe that we know by direct experience, by testing things in the real world; intuitionists believe we can know directly through a mysterious faculty.
Science developed out of empiricism, basing what we consider to be “truth” on factual experience, testing and validation. In the case of science as practiced in the West, especially in the last few hundred years, that “experience” is usually the taking of measurements using instruments with dials and displays from which one takes readings. The person taking the readings is the “observer” often mentioned in relativity and quantum mechanics, the latest forms of science. In the East, science is also based on experience, and there the experience can often be inner experience where dials and displays are not involved. This is still science and still based on empirical experience.

This Eastern willingness to accept internal evidence explains why science in the West has not validated the existence of the more effective states of consciousness. Starting toward the end of the 19th Century, inner experience or introspection fell out of favor in psychology, after William James, the last of the giants of psychology to accept inner evidence directly. The more externally-oriented culture of the West created a blind spot. In psychology, work shifted to behaviorism, the focus on externally quantifiable actions, along with the study and social application of conditioning to alter these actions.

Eastern epistemology actually fuses empiricism and intuitionism. No conflict is seen between these ways of knowing because they both involve experiencing reality for oneself.

Although based on empiricism, Western science became authoritarian and elitist in its epistemology: the common person was excluded from “knowing” by the reduction of all science to mathematics, a difficult language to master. Science at its cutting edge moved out of the sphere of something the common person could totally visualize and comprehend.

Science and States of Consciousness

Regarded academically as a “soft science”, traditional Western psychology recognizes only three states of consciousness: dreamless sleep, dream sleep, and waking consciousness. Eastern psychology since the fifth century B.C. recognized ten states of waking consciousness: the normal everyday waking state, the access state which precedes meditation, and eight progressively deeper states of meditation. Oscar Ichazo, a modern student/teacher of consciousness techniques and founder of the Arica Institute in 1968, fuses ideas from consciousness explorers throughout history (plus his own) to propose fifteen waking states of consciousness ranging from psychosis, through six levels of neurosis, three levels corresponding to the Eastern access state, and five levels of higher consciousness.

It is revealing that Western psychology reduces waking consciousness to a single state. William James was the first prominent Western psychologist who warned against “prematurely closing the book” on the existence of other states of waking consciousness. More recently, Mihaly Czikszenthmihalyi (pronounced “cheek-sent-me-high-ee”), former head of the University of Chicago Psychology Department, coined the term “Flow state” (known in show business as “Being On”, and in sports as “The Zone”), and conducted valuable research into this state, which was published in his 2008 book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.

Details to follow in the subsequent posts.

Love to all,



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Powerful Mind Pt. 5

Created April 7, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

To read Powerful Mind Pt. 4, click here.

The good news is that every negative emotion is a Get out of Jail Free Card to learn something profound. While you’re figuring out what to do to fix whatever caused the negative emotion, you can turn the negative emotion off by saying to yourself, “Hey, I’m already doing all that can be done.” Just make sure that’s true – don’t lie to yourself.

What you’re here to do is to wander around, do what comes naturally, within an established decorum that has evolved naturally over the ages. Learn what you love to do and are talented at, and focus on developing and expressing in that medium. Treat other people right – the Golden Rule. Don’t incite difficulties. Enjoy. Give encouragement and support and lend a helping hand whenever you can. Keep an open mind.

Now, whereas this would probably do it for someone born into the 15th century, I think we need special training today. We venture the following further advice in this imagined User’s Guide…

Expect there to be too many things coming at you. You will be trying to keep up with it all, which will result in you having almost no time to yourself, to just figure it all out. Even before that, simply to sort it all out.

There will be no compelling evidence (if you’re lucky) to have to go figure it all out. As a youth, you may pretend several times in a day that you know something better than you really do, and never have the time or reason to reflect upon that pretense. You may go on doing little things like that for years without realizing exactly what you are doing. You will at some point realize this, and with a shock, realize that you have been literally out of your own control.

But long before you get to any such awakening — realizing that you had been fooled by thinking things were one way when they were really another way — you will be having too much fun to break away from the party. It would also seem odd for you to be spending an unhealthy amount of time by yourself, as perceived by the current culture. This will contribute to you losing your free will to a self-propelled reaction system.

You will have to call upon all thirteen of your weapons to battle this situation and win.

Better however to look at it as a delightful game. You will actually experience it based on what you think it is.

Q. It doesn’t work. I just tried your trick. I wanted it to turn out one way but it turned out another. You lie.

A. You wanted it but you didn’t believe you were going to get it. You can’t simply want it to happen with your intellect — you have to accept that it not only can happen but is happening. This is a “trick” you do with many of your faculties working together, principally the willpower and imagination. Remember to use everything you’ve got. Come back to this User’s Guide as many times as you need in order to make sure that you have not forgotten some part of yourself when you are making an important decision.

The more that all parts of you are in internal communication with one another, the better off you are. It may seem funny to be talking to your cells, or your body, or to some part of your body, but it demonstrates the right attitude internally. Your cells have tiny intelligences but enough to pick up on an attitude of kindness to oneself and one’s parts. Stress turns into distress and starts in the mind then infects the body. This is not the way it has to be. Internal communication starting early will probably increase your physical health. Whether it does or doesn’t is not the point. The point is that it is an idea worth testing. It does you no harm to be kind, respectful, and attentive to every part of yourself. See if it works for you.

All of the things that can go wrong with your mind come down to some degree of incomplete communication between these parts of yourself.

Be a voracious learner. Listen alertly and respectfully, even though inside yourself you may be choosing which bits to accept and which ones you have doubt about. Come back to these questions in your mind. Write them down.

Test ideas cautiously. See if they work before you rest your weight on them. But never stop testing new ideas. Test as many as you can handle cautiously at the same time. Testing new ideas will pay huge rewards in terms of learning. Keep track consciously of what you are testing. Read the results carefully.

A few cautions about your mind. Your mind has an impressive power to suck you in. You won’t realize how deep you’ve gone until something wakes you up. You can take something that is a very small part of your life and concentrate on it so much in your mind until it becomes something enormous in your mind. You no longer see it in its proper perspective. Until something or someone taps you on the shoulder. Breathing helps you stay calm and not get stampeded by your mind.

Be aware that it is easy to overcompensate. When you learn something, it assumes controlling importance in your mind (in this case, the intellect, also known as the rational mind). You never want to make the same mistake again. So you might wind up going to the opposite extreme, unless you realize from the start that this going too far tendency is built into the mind itself. When the mind has too much to think about, it just wants to oversimplify so as to get on with it. Oversimplifying means making everything black or white, so if generosity hasn’t worked, your mind tends to go all the way to stingy instead of dialing back to a balance point. And to bullying if kindness hasn’t worked, and so on.

Also keep an eye on your intellect’s tendency to become sneaky, rationalizing it as creativity. For example, if you are competing with someone else for a promotion, do not act on the clever idea of withholding information from them to give yourself the advantage. This is a mean and petty way to compete. The right way to compete is in a sportsmanlike fashion – unless you are being physically threatened. Best that all your actions would still be suitable if everyone could see them. Think of yourself – and think of each of us – as a role model for future generations.

The feelings – another part of your mind – have the same tendency to overcompensate. If a person feels under-appreciated for his or her gifts, he or she will be overly eager to take advantage of any moment to be a showoff. These self-traps are again just getting sucked into the mind’s self-hypnotizing power. Having a powerful mind means being in charge of your mind, not being hypnotized by it; channeling its power so all parts are integrated. If you know yourself well enough – if there is internal communication – then you will catch yourself before yielding to these emotionally-driven unconscious behaviors.

Chronic syndromes arise from overcompensations of the feelings. These syndromes have been called “attachments” for thousands of years. Something you love too much becomes something you cannot do without, and fear losing; you become angry at or threatened by those you feel may want to take it away. You can be attached to your status, your possessions, your good looks, any number of physical and non-physical things. The most undermining thing in your life will be these attachments. Learning how to develop a Powerful Mind by using all the parts of your mind is the only way to gain freedom from slavery to your attachments.

Be prepared for moments of frightening realization that you don’t have control over your actions, but that you share control with some other parts of yourself that seem to be traitors who betray your secrets by making you make stupid mistakes. This is just life. Don’t be frightened. The other parts of yourself – let’s call them your subconscious – are not out to undo you, they are on your side, but there is a lack of communication. You can establish that communication. Give your subconscious little assignments like “get back to me in three days with some ideas about problem X.” You’ll be surprised that your subconscious will get back to you with some really viable ideas. You will also be making a start at bringing these other parts of yourself out into your conscious mind where all parts are in full communication and synch.

Details to follow in the subsequent posts.

Love to all,



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Powerful Mind Pt. 3

Created March 24, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

To read Powerful Mind Pt. 2, click here.

Latest brain science has validated the existence of states of consciousness above the normal waking state — called the Flow state, or the Zone. For example, Master Marvin Chun of Yale, a leading neuroscience expert, says that activity which looks in a scan like a continuous background of random self-chatter goes away when the brain goes into the high performance Zone — Flow state. One of the 12 simple keys in this book will increase your ability to turn off your own mental chatter at will.

Imagine if books like this become popular and more and more people use these techniques along with meditation. These techniques are the analogue of meditation for the rest of the waking day when one is not alone with eyes closed, meditating. Imagine the leaders of nations and corporations using these techniques, and making more effective and sustainable decisions.

There is a spiritual level within Flow state. In that state, you are clearly connected to the rest of the Universe. Life feels “numinous”, magical. You know that your own consciousness is in some way a part of a single Consciousness that is the Universe. You can see that what is called God is in fact a scientific reality. You realize there can be no death. Some people reach this state just once, and come back from it refreshed and energized. Some reach this state permanently.

As an individual becomes connected with this universal consciousness or Cosmic Mind, there are so many beautiful stages. Your ability to pick up on things as-if-telepathically increases. You are able to read messages that are meaningful for you in things going on around you, whether snatches of other people’s conversations, lyrics in songs on the radio, or billboards on the highway, as if the Universe knew that you needed that idea just then. Without trying, you seem to have just the right answer for people who come to you with emotional problems. You are living in each moment drawing out its sweet nectar without thinking of the next one. Even things that would have upset you are now just interesting puzzles to unwrap like gifts.

This is not a religious book. I believe that all religions are true — many paths to one God — and that the latest thinking in Quantum Mechanics will lead to a synthesis between QM and religion in which the word “faith” will be used less often because everyone will speak from certain knowledge.

This is a practical guidebook to help you tune your mind more effectively. It provides tools for internal information processing optimization — similar in a way to the media optimization tools I’ve helped invent for the marketing industry. Tools for sublimating negative emotion into learning and into action. Leaving only positive emotion. And leading to higher levels of consciousness.

These more effective levels of consciousness are what we are designed to experience all the time, and we would, except for the Information Overload. Techniques are needed to bolster the mind against the unavoidable daily overload. These are the techniques you will find in this book. They are designed to bring back the magic of reality. And to kick off an upward spiral in your positive creativity.

Powerful Mind creates a mood conducive to mental optimization. The content is all about mental optimization and the resulting better decisions — decisions that work better in the real world.

Using the techniques in Powerful Mind has made a positive difference in the lives of thousands of people. I’d like you to let me know what your experience was from reading the book — I look forward to hearing from you.

Get ready for an unusual and fun experience.

Hope you enjoy the book.

Details to follow in the subsequent posts.

Love to all,



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