Category Archives: Mind Magic

We’ve Been Given More Powers Than We’ve Been Able to Control

Created August 19, 2022

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

The people who channeled the Bible and similar spiritual masterpieces had amazing precognition. The story of Adam and Eve for example shows how something in the human race makes us overeager for knowledge that gives us more power. How did they know that was going to happen? It wasn’t all that obvious when the catapult was the highest technology. It is all too obvious today that prophecy came true. We’re wiping out species on a wholesale basis and it certainly appears as if we want ours to be the next one to go.

In the Bible it is positioned as something that happened in the past. But it appears to have been a channeling of a situation whose reach was going to last thousands of years.

If we accept statistical evidence science has already proven that ESP exists, and that some people have more of it than others. Types of ESP tested, all of which are shown statistically to be real, are telepathy, clairvoyance (remote sensing), precognition (foreseeing), and retrocognition (being able to sense things that happened in the past). All of these are forms of obtaining information without the five physical senses. Received knowledge.

ESP being a real thing, distributed like everything else unevenly across the human population, could be something we all experience but refuse to categorize as ESP. Hunches, for example.

Ironically, ESP was usually lumped with magic as a bad thing by the religions, whose founders used ESP to have their spiritual revelations.

Within each religion there are secret (esoteric) sects that use ESP within their broader spiritual practice. Kabbalah within Judaism is one example. The word Kabbalah itself comes from the Hebrew word for received knowledge. In the Tree Of Life, the Kabbalistic map of the spiritual universe, there are ten spheres, plus one invisible sphere, which is where the ten visible spheres combine as one. The invisible one (called Da’at) in my own interpretation is where ESP transmission occurs, where knowledge is received without the use of the senses.

Although Kabbalah is associated with religion and magic, those are misperceptions. Kabbalah is a pragmatic science based on introspection and devout recognition of One Supreme Self that lives in relationship with us. Da’at is a construct useful in mapping one’s own states of mind as they change from moment to moment.

As elucidated in Chapter 20 of You Are The Universe, an individual is able to move his or her consciousness into what Kaballah calls the Da’at state after satisfying preconditions: balancing love vs. work, mercy vs. severity, and wisdom vs. understanding in his or her life (BH interpretation of Kaballah). You Are The Universe is an explanation in detail of my Theory of the Conscious Universe, cognizant of and embracing science as a first principle. In the book, I also hypothesize that Da’at, as conceived by ancient Kabbalists, is the state where Flow state happens. (In last week’s column I likened Flow state to ESP based on the otherworldliness and numinosity of how it feels to experience either of those states.)

What I’m saying is that people thousands of years ago knew ESP existed. They experienced it. Perhaps we were as small a percentage of the population then as we are now.

This does not mean I go around reading everybody’s mind all the time. These windows of Flow state occur when certain conditions are met, and last until those conditions change. The tools in Mind Magic are designed to maximize those conditions (Observer state, which is a full shift into metacognition). These are the same preconditions as prescribed by Kaballah, expressed very differently. Kabbalah uses a high level view of one’s life stages to express its teachings. Mind Magic uses operational second by second tactics.

Kabbalah does not go as far as to say that we are avatars of that One Supreme Self, however that idea goes back to the earliest writings in India and is finally fully articulated in 11th Century Kashmir Shaivism. Following the same road of introspection, reasoning, and received knowledge, I came to the same conclusions between age 12 and 27, and wrote the first draft of The Theory of the Conscious Universe when I was 30. Much later, I was told about Kashmir Shaivism by my wife Lalita on our second meeting, March 25, 2001.

The feeling of having an open mind to the idea that The One Self is us is a spiritually enhancing feeling. Even if you have doubt, if you don’t rule this out, it changes your life. Your decisions. Your actions. The way you feel each moment. How you relate to others, given that it might be you in there in them. I highly recommend you having these good feelings and letting them make you more buoyant. And make you more open to receiving knowledge. And to receiving and giving love.

Interesting synchronicities will happen. I take these as God winks. My term “noia” means the opposite of paranoia: the feeling that someone is out to do you some good. You will feel lots of noia if you open your mind to the possibility that the entire universe is One Consciousness, playing a game. It’s at least as plausible a scientific explanation for reality as Materialistic Accidentalism or any specific religious creation story. And yet when you wear it as a lens it makes life fuller and happier. Why not try it on?

Love to all,



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The Ego Level is the Source of Today’s Threats

Created June 24, 2022

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

In my view of the world, each of us moves up and down through levels of consciousness, from one moment to the next through our day. These levels were entirely theory for thousands of years, something I did not know when I discovered them in myself around age 5.

I never wanted to be on stage, but my showbiz parents were firm. “You were born in a trunk,” my father told me, a showbiz metaphor for being born into a showbiz lineage. Later I found out that his father, whom I never met, had been a “song and dance” man in London vaudeville. My maternal great grandfather Wulf, for whom I was named, had been a Ukrainian trapeze artist who was still performing, which included hanging by his teeth to his trapeze, at age 80. Something I’m still metaphorically doing today.

On stage I robotically performed by lines and moves as trained, until I started to have strange experiences which greatly improved my performances. Much later I realized this was the Flow state, a term coined by a former advisor to “my” nonprofit The Human Effectiveness Institute, the famed Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, head of the psychology department at the University of Chicago at the time.

That’s when I realized we all continuously shift from level to level. Introspection was the only tool I had since I could find no books in any bookstore in Bensonhurst that mentioned levels of consciousness. As time went on, I was able to discern specific clues as to which level I was in. 

For example, fear and defensiveness were inner signs that I was in a lower state. Rushing and nervousness were outer indicators that my inner feelings were of anxiety and sense of impending failure. 

Intuitively I saw ways in which I could diagnose what was causing me to be in these lower states. This involved staying awake in bed at night so I could uninterruptedly focus on these things. Without knowing the real meanings of the words meditation, contemplation, concentration at that time, I see now that was what I was doing most of those nights.

This led me to create my own system for myself to overcome these lower states. I came to realize that the really important thing was to get back up into the Flow state and maintain it for longer and longer periods. All of the petty fears and desires I had were trivial by comparison to that goal.

Much later, as I studied psychology books, I began to form theories about all of this stuff going on inside me and how it related to what I was reading about the theories and experiments in the field of psychology, and more recently, neuroscience.

When I read Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents I realized that Ego as he defined it – an intermediary point of view emerging when the baby first feels thwarted about its needs going unattended, and begins to center its life on an inner persona acting as the “press agent” for the self – everything suddenly snapped into place. Those lower states inside me were in fact being generated by this apparently ruling part of my being, the Ego. For me to get into Flow I needed to get out of Ego and into my true self, The Me That Was Born.

As we look around us today at the havoc that the world has descended into, it appears obvious to me that the true threat vector behind all the madness is the Ego. The Ego of a Trump. The Ego of a Putin. The Ego of many other Hitlers in waiting. The Egos of the insurrectionists, blinded by the voice of their Fuhrer (leader). Hitler was a powerful speaker and mass hypnotist and Trump was a TV star and President of the United States, not a powerful speaker, but those media and title qualifications were enough to cause the mass hypnotism of millions of people living stuck in the lowest Ego states.

Without those lowest Ego states in the followers and leaders, none of this would be happening.

Not that reading my manual Mind Magic would miraculously dispel all the ills of the world, by freeing each reader from her or his Ego forever, it usually does make a nice dent. That’s what keeps me going, the evidence that I can make a positive difference if I can write and communicate more clearly about all of this to more people.

I am aware that a minority of the population reads non-fiction books, and a larger minority read fiction books, so in order to cover more territory, I’m putting these same ideas into both fiction and non-fiction. 

In my latest novel released this week, PANDEMONIUM: Live To All Devices, the focus is on the action and only in service to the plot do my mind methods appear. The fact that the protagonists are psychics gives me leeway to get deeply into what is going on inside the characters, because it has a direct bearing on the plot.

The main protagonist, Ed Templegard, is normally a very high being, often in the Flow state, and motivated by the idea of protecting people. But he gets brought down to the Ego level without his fully realizing it. He wants to stop Perse but Perse is too strong for him. He wants Nastassia but she is far away. These things degrade his level of consciousness and throughout the story he is gradually discovering that, fighting it, and eventually – oops no spoiler here.

The education system which starts at home will over time incorporate more and more of the things we all really need to know about living life. Not just what is taught today, but also what people today are left to come to understand for themselves – something which happens all too rarely. The current state of play 2022 is compelling evidence that teaching about levels of consciousness has to become part of the foundations of our learning objectives from birth onward.  

Love to all,



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Keep an Open Mind about your Powers of Mind

Created June 10, 2022

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

If you’ve been skeptical about psychic powers all your life, that is a very hard thing to change on a dime. You may have read my writings for years and come to have trusted me for advice on media and measurement matters, and possibly been willing in reading some of my recent blogposts to open your mind to the possibility that Flow state, intuition, inspiration, tapping into your subconscious, telepathy, and precognition are real. Even still, that open mindedness may not yet have led you to internally discover and start to more fully use these powers of mind. Years of excluding those things from your second-to-second life creates a powerful momentum to continue to function the only way you know how.

Here in this post are a couple of ways you can take a more active role in opening the doors of perception.

You must have noticed that sometimes you are contemplating saying something and someone else says it for you. Your life partner probably reads your mind and vice versa. Some of this is simply knowing what you would normally say in such a situation, but sometimes it involves things that you haven’t talked about with each other at all.

Turn it around. Sometimes you think you know what someone else is thinking but there’s nothing to be gained by saying anything like that, so you wait, and oftentimes the person speaks aloud what you thought they were thinking.

We’ve all had these experiences, daily probably, and don’t count it up or make anything of it. But a lot of this could be your own dormant and internally discredited telepathic capability. Is empathy, which we all acknowledge exists, really that different from telepathy? In both cases we have senses that detect predispositions in others, which remarkably often turn out to be accurate, and yet we write it off as simple good guessing about someone we know pretty well. 

Use it or lose it. If we continuously through life act as if these powers are unscientific and do not exist, that will become a self-fulfilling prophecy for us. Isn’t that what’s happened to us as a species? Denial of all possibilities that are not simple extensions of our current everyday lives in what is generally regarded as a material world, period, ignoring the implications of consciousness which is not material. Some scientists would like to boil down consciousness to specific physical brain functions, reducing the notion of what a human being is into no more than biology-based robots. But science has never proven that notion is true.

One of the most eminent physicists in history and a colleague of Einstein and Bohr, John Wheeler, culminated his long career predicting wormholes before they were observed and many other accomplishments including helping to harness atomic energy, published his Participatory Anthropic Principle which states that consciousness plays a significant role in shaping all events, which implies a form of telekinesis that goes much further out than telepathy and intuition (accurate hunches).

It’s my hunch that telepathy will be scientifically proven in this century. Charles Tart has already meta-analyzed thousands of individual experimental case studies to establish that proof statistically, but the ultimate proof we are still waiting for would be more compelling, using experimental design, neuroscience, and a more complete explanation of the phenomenon. 

So how can you take a more active role in testing out your own unused powers?

For one thing, you can use the words “Are you thinking…” to check out your suspicion about what you feel another person is thinking. You can do this as often as you like because it’s a verbal construction that is common and doesn’t make the other person even think about telepathy. It seems that you are simply playing back what you think you heard them say or imply or that you sense a direction to which the other person’s words are leading. Harmless. And yet it will possibly begin to show you that you actually have some power to make extremely good guesses about what another person is thinking.

You’ll have to filter this by a tendency for wishful thinking – in other words, you might want them to be thinking X and that bias would interfere with the clarity of actual telepathy.

For another thing, you can keep a log of your hunches and then go back and score them by what percentage of them came true.

My books Mind Magic and You Are The Universe are packed with advice at this granular operational level for increasing your powers of mind – not just extrasensory perception but also reasoning, decision making, emotion management, self-discipline, concentration, imagination, and so on. Thousands of people have written me to say how much Mind Magic has helped them.

Needless to say, for me this is my lifelong passion, to help spread powers of mind to more and more people, so that we as a species start to make better collective and individual decisions, before it gets to be too late.

Years ago, I became convinced that writing nonfiction books and blogs and videos can only do so much. Our mental/emotional conditioning is extremely strong. People can read and agree with my nonfiction and it enables them to use some strategies that help them that they weren’t using before. 

But nonfiction creates a certain atmosphere which is limited largely to the rational parts of the mind. I came to my present hypothesis that fiction will be able to have much larger positive effects faster, because in reading fiction the reader changes selves, temporarily becomes the protagonist, and is living vicariously through the protagonist, in a form of simulated life. This engages emotions, motivations, the subconscious, all of the self and mind and consciousness of the reader.

I decided to create a series of novels/scripts called Agents Of Cosmic Intelligence. In this series I would depict the lives of five people with psychic abilities, and would track these people across incarnations. This large canvas would enable me to show what it’s like on a day-to-day basis to make use of the mind’s powers, that can convey the experiential feel of living that way, embedded in a romantic adventure epic story across all of history and into the future.

Will it work? You can judge for yourself. If you like Kindle, here’s a link where you can get for free the first ~50 pages of the Agents novel PANDEMONIUM: Live To All Devices. If you prefer a real book, next week I’ll include a link where you can get that. 

PAN” as we call it is set about thirty years in the future where artificial reality and robotics are far ahead of where they are today. If you remember back to last century and read my media newsletter back then, you know that my prognostications were pretty accurate in predicting today’s media. PAN will show you some of my unique and non-obvious predictions of future new media.

I call the genre Transformative Sci-Fi. 

Here’s what some early reviewers say about PAN:

“Fueled by brilliantly insightful scientific speculation…the meticulously described science fiction backdrop is an undeniable strength. This thick narrative full of big ideas is recommended for deep readers who enjoy their literary fare on the mind-bending and thought-provoking side.” —BlueInk Review

“[Pandemonium] works on so many levels… The writing is so fluid, reading it was really more like seeing it. And so suspenseful…I can’t wait for the next one!” —Jim Spaeth, Sequent Partners (gave it five stars in Amazon)

“A fun, fast paced, literary burrito…something for everyone. With sci-fi and espionage, wrapped in a little theology, with a sprinkle of romance… It will have you thinking of otherworldly possibilities while taking you through a moment to moment, fast-paced espionage episode. Happy reading. I highly recommend.” 

—Lenai B. Begue (gave it five stars in Amazon)

Hope you enjoy! 

Love to all,



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What It Takes to Get Back on Track

Created May 27, 2022

Welcome to this week’s Bill Harvey Blog.

Each day the news becomes more worrisome. I don’t remember ever experiencing a time like the one we are passing through now.

One thing that will be necessary if we’re going to turn this all around is a new emphasis on reinventing ourselves, each one of us.

That’s because the roots of our current history are embedded in each individual consciousness. Disunity, divisiveness, power hunger, anger, hate, violence, fear are all manifestations of ego. We’ve let our egos get too big.

At the same time, we’ve lost sight of the ultimate goal of coming to a mystical understanding of the universe and our role in it. Awe and wonder are browbeaten out of us even before we leave childhood by the pervading cynicism that has become the sine qua non of sophistication. Non-cynics are derided just for backsliding from the cynical stance of our Age.

Even our top scientific minds who retain their awe and wonder at nature remain trapped in the unproven assumption that consciousness is an afterthought in the universe. Somehow the scotoma (blind spot) is so large that otherwise brilliant minds do not connect the dots between the “observer” essential to Relativity Theory and consciousness. The leading quantum physicists of today, many of whom who were mentored by John Wheeler, colleague of Einstein and Bohr, first to coin the term “black hole”, do not get it that in his ultimate view of the universe, consciousness and matter are equally important, as if their minds cannot conceive of it, or simply that they would rather stay in the acceptable range for sake of their careers. The latter behavior brings us back to the ego dominated culture in which we now all live, where going along with the herd is the prime directive, in order to get what you want.

But at the same time this involves compromising quite a bit with what we, deep down, really want as unique individuals. The percentage of us who live out their dreams and earn their living pursuing their passion work are a dismally tiny percent of the population everywhere on Earth. As it has been since as far back as history remembers. When something has always been a certain way, it is invisible, taken for granted, never even thought about, no alternative ever imagined.

When I say the present world must start from a reinvention of ourselves, each person for themself, what do I really mean?

Self-improvement is a term that means something different to each person. Most books on the subject are about losing weight and exercising. The relative few that are not mainly about the body are about the important subjects of meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and positive thinking.

The invisible elephant in the room is that these are the 101 of the subject. They are introductory, and barely scratch the surface. For most people, these primers equip the person to give the right answers (ego again) to continue to be perceived as up-to-date in conversations. But these surface readings and parrotings on the subject tend to not fundamentally change mental or outward behavior.

In the words of a reader of Mind Magic, Benjamin Zabriskie, writing in his Amazon Review:

Dismiss thoughts that don’t benefit you. Deny social impetus that would otherwise dominate you. Perceive new realities at your whim. Stop time and think. Leave this earthly realm behind and explore the diverse worlds of the hearts and minds of all living things. Restructure your actions, thoughts, perceptions and desires into exactly the shape that suits your goals.

Not for the weak-hearted, nor the easily scared, this book is THE owners manual for the mind. This book presents nearly impossible challenges to even the most powerful and dedicated seekers. I’ve never known a single person that actually finished the work contained in this book.

When I took up my asceticism, I decided to give my extensive book collection to the local library. After paring down hundreds of books I was left with only 3 essential manuscripts. Mind Magic: The Science of the Microcosm is one of those incredible spiritual powerhouses. Only recently did I finally give my copy away to a young man in need of self-understanding.

In other words, what the world needs now is for people to do a very deep soul searching beyond anything they have ever experienced before. It is multidimensional and goes far beyond the pop-psyk books lining the shelves.

It’s cognitive and emotional, intuitional and perceptual. It’s a complete rebuild, rethink, start from scratch.

One of the hundreds of specific techniques explained in full in the manual is to eschew ego moves. To detect and interrupt your own automatic inner impulses to toot your own horn in ways that have become perfectly socially acceptable and which everyone practices continuously to maintain their own egos.

This is part of a chapter that is broader in scope, entitled Avoid Hasty Closure, which in general means to edit your actions and do so by reflecting continuously on where each of your own thoughts and impulses is coming from. Is it authentic and real in the moment, or is it the ego robot playing one of its tapes?

If everyone in the world took responsibility for what they can actually really do to help us all out of the present existential dilemma, namely to reinvent themselves, with very serious methodical principles, we would have at least a better chance for survival as a species and with the ability to choose to live in a place where we feel that our rights are respected. A better chance to avert the robotic pendulum swing back to despotic centralism, which itself is the unavoidable manifestation of a culture in which ego is king.

Another chapter focuses on visualizing the universe as one thing, including oneself and everyone else, consciousness and matter and energy and time and space all one thing. Wheeler’s scientific assessment of this singularity, the one thing we call the universe, is that it is in constant self-reinvention, even able to reinvent the actual past (read the link above for the details). Whether other scientists agree or disagree is irrelevant, Mind Magic does not advise believing anything, it advises simply keeping a truly open mind.

The amazing thing about simply keeping an open mind about what we the universe are, allows you to once again experience the inspiring awe and wonder, and the sense of transcendent possibility, of living a real mystery unfolding, the transcendent feeling.

Highly recommended: article in Renew magazine, published by United Healthcare Group, “The Power of Awe”, documenting the widespread research now establishing the health benefits of awe, which can also be seen here.

One of the benefits found in these many articles of the feeling of awe, is that it also comes with a greater sense of feeling of connectedness with other people. That would surely help as we are otherwise pulling apart in all directions.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to become sharper.”

–William Butler Yeats

Love to all,



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